Photography by
Janise Witt
What You Envision - Together We Can Create
Native Peoples

Celebration of Mother Earth & Father Sky
My love of the ancient and native peoples, their traditions and way of living has been something that has been a focus of my life for the last 30 years. I guess it first began when my Grandfather on one of our wonderful journeys showed me my first Indian ruin. I never forgot this memory and when I was still in California had many a chance to enjoy the rock art in Eagle Rock (Los Angeles). This quest to understand more about traditions, and spiritual perspectives led me to moving to Arizona. I realized just recently, this was actually my sole reason for coming to Arizona - to understand more about these amazing people.

Monument Valley - A Sacred Place to enter and just enjoy the full essence of being still and listening to your inner thoughts and feelings as aligned with nature.
These images represent a celebration of The View
and how this resort was intended to reflect the beauty and wonder of this sacred land and also the people who make their home here.
I hope you enjoy.
Uqualla - Havasupai Medicine Man

Tony Redhouse - Native American Soundhealer
There is a pulse within the universe within Mother Earth – that pulse is the heartbeat of the Spirit.
This pulse is the unconditional love that unites all of life in the Universe the pulse of nature – every tree, every leaf, every stone, every rock, every drop of water – all the clouds – the stars pulse together – the hearts of the birds pulse together, all the animals are united in this place that vibrates through the whole world and this pulse of the universe it is the pulse of the Spirit – Unconditional Love.
When our hearts pulse together with all of life in the Universe and we unite our hearts. With this pulse of unconditional love and we are able to be content to be this pulse of unconditional love in the Universe and Mother Earth and all the land and all of nature the same pulse that vibrates in all the hearts of the animals, all the trees, all the mountains, the water, the fire and we are content to pulse together and be in tune with unconditional love then the universe will be a place of harmony. It will cause our own personal lives to come into balance as we respond and a we bring this pulse into our lives and allow it to fill us and gives us passion and be connected with all life and the universe then it is able to heal our bodies, our minds, our soul, our relationships and when all of us are together and united there is peace, there is harmony in the universe – our personal lives come into balance when we are united with ourselves uniting our body, soul, mind, relationships then we are healed because we are complete we are whole we are one with ourselves.
When each of us become one with ourselves and find that personal balance then we connect to each other as circles of light and connect to each other and we create harmony in the universe uniting with all of life around us forces of nature all the galaxies all of the stars the ancestors and we can live in perfect harmony in this world today by allowing ourselves to align up and for allowing ourselves to align with this pulse of Mother Earth within all forces of nature and create this beautiful world of harmony and peace where there will not be any more greed, violence, crime – we won’t be needy, we will not be lacking no living in fear or judgment because not lacking anything – we don’t need to go outside of ourselves to find peace or fulfillment – no need for war – a place where all races and people unite together as one – unite to be strong together with the universe.

I joined Uqualla and Baby Sue in a beautiful and sacred area of the Four Corners area, as they came together to celebrate life, and Mother Earth. I so enjoyed and felt honored to be part of this ceremony.
I hope you will enjoy this.
The Winter Solstice - embracing cosmic cycles of other worlds and dimensions - the closure of the old and opening into the dimensional door of the new year...James Uqualla - Jeva