Photography by
Janise Witt
What You Envision - Together We Can Create
Born of Earth - Naturally Inspired
"When we recognize the virtues the talent, the beauty of Mother Earth, something is born in us some kind of connection,
love is born."
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
May I Introduce Ochino - He who walks on the land
Through a meditation I experienced in the summer of 2022 an incredible - bigger than life being came to me. His name is Ochino.
A very wise and old Chief - perhaps he’s a seer - a Medicine Man for the people.
This is an ancient one whose robes I have not seen the likeness of, even in the movies which feel authentic or that I’ve experienced through my lifetime of research into indigenous peoples. The robe this ancient one is wearing is heavy - like layers of what appears to be feathers. He stands tall and he is a bigger than a normal man yet his cloak is quite exquisite and made from the natural elements of nature upon which he walks the land. The cloak seems very heavy maybe because it’s so thick. He doesn’t feel like a stranger; rather someone I have known; very wise and very loving to me. He went on to share with me:
“Janise, the land holds the power to heal. it is by going into an honoring space with the land that people can come into a healing for their whole health. When people disregard the sacred Earth they end up disregarding themselves. You understand and honor the land upon which you walk. You love the trees and the animals and the elementals and you can aid others to come back to their origins of love for the Earth, and also at the same time come into love for themselves through their heart.
It is a time to remember your roots and for others to remember their roots which ground them to Earth, and in turn give them the ability to reach to the heavens. Do not be shy of the gift you have been given; it belongs to the Spirit of all living things, and it needs to be shared so that all Earth’s family may heal and come into the full circle together.
I said "Yes!" I also received the insight that one of the ways I could bring people into nature, was through sharing the wonder of Nature Guardians and aspects in nature that inspire me. As well, they were to be created from the element of Earth.
I began this direction last year after my move back to Northern Arizona and it is something I have fallen in love with.

Flies with Eagle

The eagle in many indigenous cultures symbolize flying close to Grandfather Sun or Great Spirit.
We all have the privilege to soar with an eagle when we keep our perspective higher and wider, and look at a grander purpose behind and embracing all life.

Spirit in the Forest

When I'm really fully present, I come across amazing surprises as I meander through the wilderness. I love when I see spirits and characters in the trees as well as in the rocks. It makes me realize how rich and deep our reality can be.

Ochino Within the Trees
I find guidance is always available to us as we align and come into rhythm with our heart. Going into nature, and especially into a beautiful forested area, I am home in my heart and spirit.

There is this beautiful root I pass by quite regularly in a beautiful forested hike, and I always greet this tree root with an honoring salutation.
It's so beautiful to me and it is so intricate in all it's details as you get up close and personal with it. It reminds me that even when nature and people seem to be beyond their prime, they are every bit as beautiful.
Rooted in a Canyon

The Magic of Raven
It is said that when you observe Raven, magic is in the air. As well, a gift is being offered to you and the question is whether you will accept the gift (no matter how simple or intricate), or will you analyze with your mind and discount the gift you have received.

Shaman Owl

Owls have long been associated with wisdom and the ability to see what appears invisible. of the most important senses we have, which we may sometimes forget, is our sense of intuition and an inner knowing on how to proceed.
I love Shaman Owl because she can help us deepen our inner knowing and flow through life with more ease and beauty.

Rainbow Woman

Throughout most cultures rainbows are thought to be of hope.
When you have the opportunity to behold one in nature or even double rainbows, there's always hope for rebirth, and that everything is going to be good.

The Fungi Weaves Through It

The Magical Relationship Between Fungi and Our Trees and Plants
Recent research has revealed that the relationship between fungi and trees is much. more complex than previously thought. Fungi have long been known to form symbiotic relationships with trees, exchanging nutrients and helping trees absorb water. Scientists have now discovered that these relationships extend beyond individual trees to form a complex network of underground communication and cooperation. This network, known as the "wood wide web," is made up of mycorrhizal fungi, which form connections with the roots of trees and other plants.
I invite you to preview my book on The Magic of Trees - please see the link below.

Morphing Into Flight

I love the metaphor of the caterpillar as it goes through its different stages of growth. Some of these stages actually turn the caterpillar into fluid, before it begins its ascent into becoming a butterfly.
It reminds me of life. We go though different stages and sometimes we find ourselves completely lost (as in the fluid stage of a butterfly), and then we begin (hopefully) to find our way into the flight of our most authentic selves. Beautiful!
“The clearest way into the Universe
is through a forest wilderness.”
― John Muir
I hold a special place in my heart and soul for trees. I’ve known we exchange breath, and I started thinking about this process. If our breath of life is also our life force then the exchange of energy between ourselves and the trees is really quite profound.
I also began to wonder if the essence which each tree holds is not somehow assimilated into our bodies as we walk through a forest and engage with nature.
Trees may provide inner peace and very often we are able to access answers while in the wonder of nature. Aside from their physical beauty and benefits, could it be that trees have the ability to connect us with our spirituality?
Because of my love of trees, I wanted to create a book dedicated to that love. "The Magic of Trees" was born. I invite you to preview the book.